Hi! I'm Taylor!
Come play music with me sometime!
taylordabunny's Posts

Smol bean has been a great buddy in pokemonGo, very underrated poke

I love this prehistoric bean

A fren and I hanging out at my place! He was excited to see my fursuit x3

I'm such a Rocky stan lol
Look at this cute bean in the lackadaisy series trailer :0

Saved a little sapling from being mowed over at my apartment complex! Now I just gotta figure out what small groundcover plant to make it look like it's surrounded by grass. Any ideas? :)

Milo is such a happy goober

Finally home from work, day 6 of 10 checked off
Now I can relax the rest of my night playing pokemon

My pupper
Good morning yall! Hope you have a great Monday ahead of you!

Howdy howdy! Saw this website from Twitter and since muskrat is nuking my favorite place to scream to the void I figured I'd give this a shot! :3
My name is Taylor, I have a bachelor's degree in music and love being a silly bunny girl online :D