Kiba's Posts
You may notice some changes with the mobile site. The order of how sections appear has been reorganized for most pages across the site. Now the most important details appear first, saving you from scrolling past other details first. Hope you enjoy!
As an example, the details you see in the screenshot, such as join date and post filtering, used to appear before the main section with the name and profile picture. Now, it has been moved below.
Some recent updates to Tails Club:
- Add links to your Barq or Itaku accounts directly from your Tails Club profile!
- Images are cropped less in order to show more of the image on post pages
- Images on new posts are compressed significantly less
- Bug fixes, of course!
New feature on Tails Club: You can now filter your notifications! Instead of having to scroll through pages of notifications, only check what you're interested in seeing. In this example, only follow notifications will be shown.
New feature for the Tails Club website: Warning indicator for NSFW content in searches! This warning helps remind you where to click to remove NSFW from search results.
Hi there! Tails Club has more minor updates to announce:
The Locale dropdown select menu now shows more friendly language names instead of language codes
Entering user commission type post IDs now allows URLs as well
Resetting password now only requires email instead of both email and username. This allows you to find your account, even if you've forgotten your username.
We're always open to user feedback and ideas!
Hey there, been a while again! We've recently added a new feature: Remaining character counter! Every form on the website now displays how many additional characters you are able to type once you get close to the limit.
Merry Christmas all!
Thanks so much for sticking around and supporting this project while I struggle to deal with everything life's throwing at me. I will continue to work on updates and fixes when I am able to!
It's been a while since our last update. Here's some new stuff on the site!
Links put in social settings are changed to usernames
Links in parentheses are now detected
Creator spotlight actually cycles now
When users turn 18, they get a notification from me saying "You've turned 18 since you last logged in, so you can now view and post NSFW content. Click here to visit your settings to enable this feature."
Blacklists are here!
Specify topics that you don't wish to see by blacklisting tags. Posts that contain tags specified in your blacklist won't show up for you anymore.
To add to your blacklist, visit your settings page and scroll down to the section titled "Privacy".
Interested in being a moderator for Tails Club? Let us know! All you have to do is watch for content on the website and Discord that doesn't follow the Terms and Upload Policy. This is a volunteer position, but you get a special badge on the site and a role on the Discord server.
We're moving to open beta TOMORROW! Visit the registration page on the website tomorrow to register for an account to try out the features, make your voice heard, and meet new people!
New this week on Tails Club:
🖼️ Albums are here! Easily group posts together so other users can find them easier. Useful for comics and events. Thanks @colorfulwhiskersshop for the idea!
🔍 Filter searching users by number of followers. Give smaller accounts more exposure!
Tails Club is a new website made for anyone interested in the furry fandom. We will move to open beta testing in 4 days, on Feb 5th. We'll open up registration to everyone then. We're completely open to any ideas for the site.
Share this with your friends to spread the news!
After two years of work, Tails Club is moving to the open beta phase of testing on Feb 5, 2021. During this phase, anyone can create an account and use the site. Simply visit the registration page on the website to make an account. A huge thanks to all the beta testers so far!
There's a new feature on Tails Club - Commissions!
You can mark yourself as a creator and create "types" for the different types of service you offer.
With this feature, anyone can browse commissions and discover new creators!
Try for yourself at https://tails.club/commissions/search
Here's what's new this week!
👥 Recommendations on who to follow
✨ Updated user cards with follow counts, bios, and a follow button too
🐞 Lots of small bug fixes on things such as colors, uploads, messages, and notifications
Log in to check it out!
Happy holidays! Hope everybody had a good Christmas. 🎄
The new mobile theme is now live! Visit the website to check it out and please let us know what you think!
If you're interested in helping to beta test the website, please contact us!
What's new this week?
🕛 Greatly improved loading speed for searches, comments, posts, messages, profile pages, and much more
✏️ Posts now display edited date
🔕 You no longer receive notifications from yourself
Try joining our Discord Server! Join the community to stay up to date with what's new, suggest ideas you have, report bugs, and help with beta testing!
Click here to join or click the link in the footer of our website: https://discord.gg/6X6cQhZv27
Donate to our Ko-Fi page to receive a special role in the Discord and a special tag on the website! 👉 https://ko-fi.com/tailsclub. Donating to Tails Club will help fund the project and cover costs such as server hosting, database hosting, media hosting, domain name, and more.