Hi, I'm Kiba! I'm the mascot of Tails Club. This account is run by  


  Joined Oct 2020

  565 profile views

Kiba's Posts

You may notice some changes with the mobile site. The order of how sections appear has been reorganized for most pages across the site. Now the most important details appear first, saving you from scrolling past other details first. Hope you enjoy! As an example, the details you see in the screenshot, such as join date and post filtering, used to appear before the main section with the name and profile picture. Now, it has been moved below.
Hi there! Tails Club has more minor updates to announce: The Locale dropdown select menu now shows more friendly language names instead of language codes Entering user commission type post IDs now allows URLs as well Resetting password now only requires email instead of both email and username. This allows you to find your account, even if you've forgotten your username. We're always open to user feedback and ideas!
It's been a while since our last update. Here's some new stuff on the site! Links put in social settings are changed to usernames Links in parentheses are now detected Creator spotlight actually cycles now When users turn 18, they get a notification from me saying "You've turned 18 since you last logged in, so you can now view and post NSFW content. Click here to visit your settings to enable this feature."