Clint (Caktus)
Demiboy : He/They || 27 yrs || Love me some rodents my guy
Content? Art, Crafts, Photography!
Clint (Caktus)'s Posts

Another open species I have in the works. They are called GRUBCATS very excited to share them with the world.

Brynwyrm. My open species! You can find info on toyhouse.

Rocki the Yoshi

Fursona! CJ
Well it looks like furaffinity decided to shoot itself in the foot. Guess I'm gonna chill here. smh
finally started ordering stuff for my fursuit. i'm so excited to finally get this project underway. so eager to show it off

I'm thinking about starting a vlog pretty soon, and figured if I was going to do that then I would need reaction images. There are just a few of the MANY I made. I spent the whole day working on it. This is also a great excuse for my fursona to get some use. I'm hoping to start vlogging sometime this week.

I have always had trouble deciding on what my fursona would look like. This is the first time I've looked at a design for one and thought... Yeah ... That's me
My Husband: ... You're upvoting your own posts?
Me: It's called self care...

Juno's Concept page. Still love it! Feel like the expressions really hit!


Greasy Boy