Yo! my name is Jeremy Sease A.K.A Blizzate! I'm an artist who draws creatures, comics, and is into game development!


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
blizzate's Posts

Sagitaur-Archer Card | Chymeria
A bow wielding chymeria; who can commune with nature and harness it's power to construct nature-based attacks!
(I know I misspelled "taur" don't rub it in! X'D )

That Chymerian Rush
Did a nice piece for myself

Wherehusky-shredder | Chymeria
This mean fuzzo boy, has lunar powers!
I might make a slight design change to this one tho >.>

Riskz VS. Elle | PMDStarfall
One of my personal favorites~ ^^

Razorret-Thrower | Chymeria
Cute and deadly long boy!

W H A T ??????????????
-\ (:/) /-
Ok so some of the comic pages are over 5mb limit, so i don't think I'll be able to post the entire comic on this site, if you want to read the rest go here >>

Chymeria: Wyld chasers| [practice] webcomic
pages 2-3

Chymeria: Wyld Chasers | [practice] webcomic
cover art and page 1

The Fearless Fellas! | Chymeria
Say hello to this fearless trio!
For years I've work so much on these three characters, and they've been through a lot of changes, I can't wait to finally start an official comic starring them! ^^

Chymeria:Wonder Quest Title Art
I have a demo out for the game I've been working on for quite a while now
get the demo here!>>

Lynxy the luxvee | PMD
Lynxy is a cute but tough luxio eevee hybrid! and i love her

Riskz the buizel | PMD
Here is my fuzzy buizel boy pokesona

Arctico-Freezer | Chymeria
This is cute snowball is blizzate's species! ^w^
more info here >>

Bolty Concept Sheet |[5.11.2021] Chymeria
Say Hi to Bolty! She is a rangaroo who delivers messages in her pouch, and uses her super speed to get around!
She's kind and silly, but a very hardwork as well!
Supereeveefan12 gave me the idea of giving her a yellow gradient to her coat, it looks pretty nice!

Blendear-vanisher | Chymeria
Blendear-vanisher the buggy light-bending dear!
Hope you likey! ^^ >

Fennichi-Dancer | Chymeria
My cute dancing foxy-bean! ^^
I thought fighitng with a ribbon would be pretty cool!

Sandrake-Sniper | Chymeria
The badass snoot chy! >:3
more info here >>

Dusty Concept Sheet [3.19.2021]|Chymeria
Well here's Dusty's updated look. I added more markings to his scales, and changed his feet a little bit. This one's designs has been the most consistent of all the characters I've made lol, So I didn't feel the need to change very much about him. Plus I love to draw his cute snoot ^^

Munelyte Concept Sheet [3.16.2021]|Chymeria
And here is my fuzzball boy! I decided to sort of combine his original and newer designs in this version!