Stela the moooottttthhhhh I once heard the story of someone who got sued by infringing his own copyright for using his own drawing in a uni work after posting it online hmph, copyright *sips coffee* so, just in case Kvolik Korozkov, Stela ref sheet, 12 May 2023. Copyleft: This is a free work, you can copy, distribute, and modify it under the terms of the Free Art License





May 14, 2023 9:16 PM


  Kvolik Korozkov  


May 14, 2023 9:23 PM

when trying to upload a post with more than 500 characters, submit button text changes to "uploading..", page fails and notifies error and reason to user. however, submit button doesn't change text nor works, solution is reloading page, this deletes any attachment post might have, but keeps the text, which is nice